Intel Ultrabok Project featuring Will.I.Am

Definitely impress you. I keep hearing this awesome song already recorded by Will.I.Am featuring Mademoiselle Yulia. Intel’s much awaited Ultrabook Project has become launched. You might have heard about it already, simply because they have mentioned about it campaign several times. The business announced that 2012 is concerning and promoting this new group of laptops and they're already performing it. How?

Here’s the storyline. Will.I.Am, the member of Black Eyed Peace popular band gets an ultrabook, travel arrangements along with a mission. His job would be to visit countries over the world, collaborate with local artists after that, write and record an audio lesson inspired by each city. Cool job, right? I’ve got a feeling this can be usually a thrilling project as well as an easy way promote the ultrabook.
Fans can follow Will.I.Am, share its experiences, listen and download its exclusive songs. The artist has recently recorded its first song in Tokyo, Japan. His second stop from the Intel Ultrabook Project world tour is Mexico City. Do you think you're in?

Overall, the idea appears to be pretty interesting; “a totally new approach to experience music”, how Intel is calling it. And also the company’s website looks cool. Still, we have been waiting to view how this adventure can finish. Ultrabooks’ sales will grow or? Or, should we say: “Will.I.Buy an ultrabook?

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